Five Remedies for Post-pregnancy Sleep Disorders

Being a mother is a job that involves both day and night shifts. Just when you think you are all set to sleep, you might just realize that it was only the calm before the storm. You pull yourself together as the storm begins, rubbing your bloodshot eyes, stifling a massive yawn and rushing to hush a crying baby. But there are nights when you actually get lucky. You will probably expect your body to give in to the day-long exhaustion and slowly fall into a dreamless sleep but ironically, all you can do is toss and turn. 

Postnatal insomnia is not rare. New mothers often feel too anxious to get enough rest. It could be an effect of hormonal fluctuations or it could perhaps be the result of being too immersed in the new responsibilities. But luckily if there is a problem, there is definitely a solution. If you are dying to get a good night’s sleep, these are 5 remedies you need to give a try:

#1 Let your baby’s sleep pattern dictate your routine!

Postnatal insomnia usually happens when you feel too overwhelmed with your “new mom” routine. But planning your day can help alleviate some of the stress. Like adults, babies have their own sleep pattern. If you observe that closely, you can identify how long your baby usually sleeps and when you should be up to feed the baby. This will help you to plan your chores and finally call it a day without stressing over getting your “mom duty calls”!

#2 Breathe in, Breathe Out!

Despite being so exhausted, you cannot sleep because your mind is too busy fighting anxiety. You need to calm down. And what better way there is to relax than a bunch of breathing exercises. Allow your mind to relax as you slowly breathe in and then slowly breathe out to let go of all the stress that is holding you back. You can also couple it with a few muscle relaxation techniques. Another way to calm your mind is to think of a category and name everything that comes under it. It will help your mind to focus on one thing and relax. Remember that your body will only find sleep when your mind has known peace.

#3 Cut the Caffeine!

You might see coffee as a staple in your daily life but you definitely do not want to lose more sleep because of that. Try limiting your caffeine intake by at least one serving and see if it gets easier to sleep!

#4 Drink to relax!

A short-term remedy to deal with the postnatal sleeping disorder is to drink chamomile tea for a few weeks. The tea helps the muscles relax and prevents irritability. Since anxiety is one of the major causes of insomnia, this can actually be a quick fix for your problem!

#5 Get help!

There might be more serious reasons behind sleep disorders than just stress and anxiety. If insomnia gets worse, you should consult your doctor. Your doctor can decide whether you need counselling sessions or sleeping aids. Postnatal insomnia might also be a result of mineral deficiencies. You can ask your doctor if supplements can help improve your sleep cycle.

Being a mother is not an easy task. But while you are busy feeding, cleaning, loving and spoiling your little baby, do not forget to take a look at yourself. Remember that a healthy mother means a healthy baby!

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